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Old Wellingtonian Golf Society

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Est. 1923

OWGS Christmas Update - 2022

Fellow OW Golfers,

While it may seem to be a chore updating you all, this year it is a pleasure because it marks the return to normality of the OWGS. During the last 2 years the OWGS has gone on as well as it could do, due to the commitment and goodwill of your Committee and Match Managers.

There have unfortunately been some deaths, in particular 3 past Presidents, Ian Boyd, James Pease Watkin and Mike Power. All three were stalwart and resolute members of the OWGS, and it is fair to say that their contribution over many years was significant and unstinting. Ian will be remembered for his over 75 Halford Hewitt appearances and his fund of after dinner stories; James for his unfailing interest in all golfers from the moment they started at Wellington, and his generosity; finally Mike Power for so many years the non-playing Captain of the Halford Hewitt, for his unfailing support and involvement, right up to agreeing last year’s committee meeting minutes only a couple of days before he died.. That typified his commitment to the OWGS. The OWGS owes them a real debt of gratitude and we have all lost very good and real friends.

However all three of them, along with the current Committee and Captains, past and present of the Halford Hewitt, Grafton Morrish and Bernard Darwins, would have wanted to see all OWGS members taking part in all aspects of OW Golf. The OWGS was set up, and I quote from the first Minute Book

“The Old Wellingtonian Golfing Society was formed having for its object the bringing together of Golfing OWs, irrespective of handicaps, for their mutual enjoyment in meetings and matches”

The inspiration for this came from an informal match against Rye in December 1923. This was followed up by the official formation in Spring 1924 and at the first Meeting in May 1924 at West Hill GC, when Arthur Croome was elected Captain and John Board Secretary. At the time Arthur Croome was also Captain of Rye, hence our connection with Rye from our very beginning.

The Committee encourages OW golfers of all standards to participate in a wide

range of OWGS activities.

Those members who do that thoroughly enjoy both the golf and the camaraderie on these OWGS occasions. The Spring Meeting at Rye (22nd & 23rd April ), the Autumn Meeting (to be held next year at Huntercombe on 17th September), and the 36 hole foursomes match against Rye (3rd June) are of particular importance to the Society, so please do make every effort to make yourselves available to play in these events, and hopefully some of the more informal matches as well. PUT THE DATES IN YOUR DIARIES NOW.

However, the Committee feels that while the majority of OW Golfers take part in all OWGS activities, there are some whose principal involvement is in playing in the major competitions. While it is essential that we put together our strongest teams for these competitions, some of the more social matches are equally important. We support those who play in the Halford Hewitt and Grafton Morrish, especially financially, and it would be nice to see that support returned. Many of the matches are genuinely informal and to quote from above “irrespective of handicaps” but a few have a more serious tradition. We do need younger players with low handicaps to step forward and enjoy playing OW Golf.

Hopefully in 2023 we will resurrect a match against College, both pupils and Common Room, as this gives us a chance to showcase the benefits of playing, and enjoying, OW Golf.

Finally, 2023 and 2024 mark the Centenary years of the OWGS. We will be holding a formal dinner to mark the event and a “golf” event. Exactly when and where have yet to be determined but there is already a Centenary Sub-Committee formed who will come up with the final plans. Any comments or suggestions to the Hon. Sec. please.

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible, on or off the course next year.

John Goodeve-Docker

OWGS Secretary

December 2022

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