Great news. After the success of the OWGS tour where we successfully invaded various Scottish territories. The OWGS powers are dishing up a second serving, this time on the continent.
Overview is:
Thursday March 27th to Sunday March 30th, 2025
Playing at - West Cliffs, Royal Obidos and Praia del Rey.
The tour itinerary can be viewed here: https://trips.halcyongolftravel.com/trip/6yw9rqkfn94wqz2ac5tf7b4w87xvuva
Costs per head are:
Single €870 + flights
Twin - €620 + flights
Ideally, we need full payment from those wishing to attend by 31st January when the deposits are due.
Please contact us the via the site, or James Harper from your members directory that John sends out every year.