Fellow OW Golfers,
It’s that time of the year again. Firstly I’d like to a big thank all those who helped make our
Centenary such a memorable year. I’m not going to name all those involved, you know who
you are, and anyone who has taken part in any Centenary event will also know who you are.
Suffice it to say there were some very memorable matches and even a tour.
The OWGS is in good health; we now have nearly 300 members and a regular stream of new
applicants. We have a great fixture list ranging from the most important
matches/competitions to the really sociable events but all distinguished by that one Old
Wellingtonian feature of camaraderie. Wellingtonians do sociability to a high level and none
more so than the OWGS.
I attach the current fixture list for next year, but there are still some dates to confirm. One
date fully confirmed is the Spring Meeting – 3 rd and 4 th May: we’re hoping to get a good
turnout as usual. Full details will follow around February time. Don’t forget that we no
longer have block room bookings at The River Haven but last year many of us stayed very
comfortably at The Old Borough Arms. You’ll need to Remember Rye is a popular place
and gets booked up well in advance.
Although we are in a sound financial position, aided by virtually all members (over 25)
paying their subscription and a generous subsidy from the OW Society, the cost of playing
golf is going up rapidly, so we do need to get in as much income as we can. The 100 Club is
a great way for everybody to help, have a chance of winning a prize, but more importantly
putting some much needed cash into the OWGS coffers. Henry Somerset, our excellent and
hard-working President, has written about the 100 Club and a copy is attached.
I know I’ve just sent out a reminder about paying your subscriptions on time but please do so.
We need everyone’s contribution and the Hon. Sec. doesn’t need, or want, to spend time
chasing up the laggards. The OWGS is a society for all its members and so everyone should
play their part.
Finally, a very Happy Christmas to all.
John Goodeve-Docker
December 2024